Toolkit on consultation released!
How we communicate with one another was the subject of a recent animation produced by the Baha'i Office of Public Affairs. Now, an...
Toolkit on consultation released!
OPA launches new podcast
OPA launches new animation on dialogue
The Person of Abdu'l-Bahá & His Connection to the UK | A short video series (1/3)
“Community is more than people living in the same area": Reflections on belonging to a community
Baháʼí communities in London offer tutoring for young people
ISGP offers inspiration for social transformation beyond academic education
InterFaith Week 2020 brought to life the oneness of religion across the UK
MPs, Journalists and Interfaith friends gather to Celebrate the Twin Holy Days
Friends gather virtually to pay tribute to late Earl Cameron
Lessons from a Global Pandemic: our local communities are sources of belonging and support